This has been another frigid, freezing winter, just like last year!
With the polar vortex shooting frigid air and dumping massive amounts of snow our way. Well, maybe not massive amounts, but enough to make me whine about it.
Temps have been below 20 degrees F. for several months, more days have been hovering closer to zero and below than not.
Snow storms have blown through, causing school to be closed and slippery roads to avoid driving on.
Most of my pics have been taken either through my porch window or van on my way home from work, as I refuse to drive in this muck!
I know. I live in New England and am used to having snow every year. Let's just say I am older now and do not appreciate the cold any more than when i was younger.
I did appreciate the cupcakes, card and lovely flowers my hubby gave me for my birthday, as well as Valentine's day <3
So far, the highlights of Winter have been , my son's team won the grade 3-4 basketball championship . They won every game except one, and they won against that team to win the final championship game!
Watching all the birds gather around the feeders has also been a favorite past time. We have juncos,cardinals, sparrows, blue jays, yellow finches, and mourning doves. Their preference is mostly sunflower seeds, but we mix them with other seeds as well.
So, while the chilly air is keeping us housebound, and I am starting to get cabin fever, there are some things keeping me sane. February vacation starts today and I have a few things planned, including a trip from my daughter flying in from SC tonight! YAY!! I will probably post about that next week, when I am lamenting how quickly winter break passes ;)
This pic was taken when my daughter was about 3. e were sledding in the County in Maine.
This was when I didn't mind the cold so much, but ended up frostbitten a few times.We don't have the sleds any more, but may go snow tubing at the Arrowhead. is a small operation, but perfect for us.
Have a lovely day. Stay warm.
Lori LC